Poland’s Success

When I was in Poland, one thing I noticed was the building boom. In cities large and small, I saw lots of cranes erecting new buildings. Many, many roads were under constructions (and they need it, no doubt!). Every where it seemed like new buildings were going up. As a matter of fact, I saw little evidence of a recession such as we’re having in the US. Our tour guide pretty much validated this, telling us that even in the midst of a recession, Poland was the one country in the EU (European Union) that had not lost ground.

I recently came upon this You Tube clip on another Poland blog I frequent. It’s called The Animated Guide to Polish Success. It’s only a bit over 6 minutes, is in English, is very well done, and is entertaining. Now in truth, it is a bit propagandish and I believe somewhat overstates the case for the booming Polish economy. Yet it contains a lot of truth as well. I think it is well worth your time to see. And, it’s quite entertaining. Give it a look and let me know what you think. You might even learn something.

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One Response to Poland’s Success

  1. Alicja Grabowska says:

    In the Communism era films like that were called “Propagation of Success”.
    We had to watch them before every movie in cinema.
    We were proud that we lived in country which was developing.
    But after leaving the cinema we saw grim reality.
    I attach something more realistic:

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