Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

In case you didn’t know, I just wished you a Merry Christmas! Yes, as I am writing this, it is Christmas Day. Wigilia 2010 is history, but it was a very successful and memorable event. Twelve family and friends joined me to make it a memorable evening. The food was awesome, I am told. And the friendship and camaraderie even better.

The today we celebrated Christmas with dinner at my friend Creighton’s. We had a very nice meal there as well. Afterwards, Tommy and I went for a ride and looked at some of the Christmas lights in the nieghborhood. Now we are relaxing with a few drinks and Christmas music and kolędy playing in the background.

I’ve posted just a few pictures from Christmas on my web site here. I hope you enjoy. One word about our wigilia here. I talked a bit about the great visit I had to Poland and the remarkable experience of meeting my third cousin Alicja and some of her family. It was truly amazing and a highlight not only of the year, but of my life. We also remember her father who passed away recently, as well as all the family and friend who have died and are no longer with us. But most of all, we were thankful for each other. It was a very good wigilia

Życzę Ci zdrowych i wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

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One Response to Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

  1. Scott Cohen says:

    Wigilia was AWESOME ! Leon did an unbelievable job of preparing our 4 main courses along with Krupnik and bison grass vodka ! The food was delicious and the company was OUTSTANDING !!!!!! Best Salmon EVER and delicious Perogi ! It was great to make new friends and enjoy nice conversation and toasts ! Thank you Leon….I am so glad to have you as my cousin, you are fabulous ! I look forward to our next get together !

    Nastrovia !!!

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