….when I received a letter (yes, a real letter, like via the US Postal Service) from my sister, Mary. It was a brochure along with a brief note. The brief note says:
Hey, Leon
Thought I’d send this brochure your way. Our friend Chris Kulinski dropped it off and I know this is a dream of yours. He said it’s the best tour he’s put together yet!! Never hurts to dream, right?
Love you, Mary
And so I did begin to dream. I read that brochure over and over, and it didn’t take me long to come to a decision, to go on the tour. There are times in life when you find you’ve really made the best decision, and that is one of them.
I still have that brochure, though I pretty much had it memorized by the time the trip began. I spent a lot of time reading, planning, thinking, and dreaming. But I never, ever, was able to dream that the trip would be as good as it was. I got to see a lot of Poland, though often briefly. I got to soak up some of the heart and soul of Poland while I was there, too. And, best of all–the absolute best moments of the trip–I got to meet relatives of mine. That was absolutely, without a doubt the highest point of my trip. I will never forget that moment when Alicja knocked on my hotel room door. I was perplexed for a moment, and then overjoyed. What a great moment.
And I continue to dream. That first trip to Poland has led me to more dreaming, and now I am starting to plan my next trip to Poland late this summer. You know I’ll write more about that as time goes on. But I am already planning, already dreaming. And once again, I’m sure that the reality will surpass even my wildest dreams! I cannot wait to go back again. And again. And….