Well, the 2012 Pierogi Party is history, and we made a record number of pierogi. The 8th annual Pierogi Party was also the biggest I’ve had, with 16 of us. This year I invited my Polish class, and a number of them were able to attend. We had a great time, as you can tell from the pictures I took. You can see the pictures here: http://photos.leonkonieczny.com/2012-PierogiParty/.
We made about 40 dozen pierogi this year, and managed to consume almost 20% of them. Another portion will be the pierogi for our Polish Class Christmas party and Wigilia this coming Wednesday. And quite a few more will be the centerpiece of Ewa’s pierogi party this coming January, after the holidays, to which all attendees will be invited.
We had good times with good friends and good eats at this year’s party. Now to start planning for the 9th Annual Pierogi Party in December, 2013. I can’t wait!
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